Digital Media Convergence :
The Advertising and New Media Revolution
Digital media convergence is the evolutionary answer to the one-way media streams and outdated, constricted ‘traditional media’. (Spurgeon, 2010) In digitisation, we found the “fountain of life”, for media that once had an expiry date due to the nature of analogue technology. No longer will we have to listen to a bad third copy of a recording. ‘Digital replicatability’ can be achieved perfectly from one medium/computer, to another. (Keith , 2012).
Medias’ creation, distribution and consumptions convergence was brought together through the rise of the personal computer and digitisation of media. Through digitisation, the tools for the production of content are now readily accessible to the consumer. Content can be easily distributed and accessed more easily, through a whole range of devices, due to the advancement of internet connectivity and infrastructures. Companies have exploited digital medias’ unrestricted movement through cyber space. These new spaces and opportunities provided through new media technologies have multiplied the production, distribution and consumption of all media content. Khamis (2012) states this effect had,”shaken practices that had been dormant.” This is why marketers try to establish an ‘ online presence’. (Khamis, 2012). Companies cannot just make something digital for it to become successful. History has shown us innovation, creativity, understanding of the culture and timing play a big part in a promotional success. Companies use online surveys to understand current mobile phone ‘ sociodemographic data’ usage in Australia. (Elliot,Rundle-Thiele, Waller, 2011.) The mobile phone’s change from just a gadget that could only make calls as a main function, is now a smart phone. Actually as Jenkins found out after he tried to purchase a single function phone, that nobody makes them anymore as ‘nobody wants them’. (Jenkins, 2006).
The consumer landscape has also changed. Media providers’ scheduling no longer confines when, how and what a consumer views as Dwyer cites,“readers and advertisers are migrating online.”This ‘new era of consumer sovereignty’ brought about the ‘rise of the viral ad marketing campaign’ (Khamis, 2012). It’s the marketers hope that their ad posted online, will be propelled through a consumers ‘ own personal networks such as Facebook or Youtube. The success of an ad is based upon the amount of views or hits the ad generates.
Digital media convergence has revolutionised advertising and media, but this is just the beginning. What will be created tomorrow is anyones guess. It’s been said that ‘convergence refers to a process’, and not an end point. (Jenkins, 2004)
Resource List
Unit Readings:
Jenkins, H. (2006). Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: New York University Press. pp. 1-24.
Spurgeon, C. (2008) Advertising and New Media. Oxon: Routledge. pp.24-45.
Jenkins, H. (2006). Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. New York: New York University Press. pp. 1-24.
Spurgeon, C. (2008) Advertising and New Media. Oxon: Routledge. pp.24-45.
Recommended Readings:
Jenkins, H. (2004) The Cultural Logic of Media Convergence
Lecture Content:
Keith, S. (2012) Digital Convergence, MAS110. Macquarie University, August 8 3:03pm
Khamis, S. (2012) Is Media Sustained by or for Advertising, MAS110. Macquarie University, August 22, 3:03pm
Additional Research:
Elliot,Rundle-Thiele, Waller, 2011, Marketing 2nd edn, Wiley, Australia